NxtScript 2G RT, conc.
thermostable reverse transcriptase, 500 U/μL, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
High thermostability - no loss of activity even at the reaction temperature higher than +65°C for improved handling of secondary structures and difficult targets.
High concentration (500 U/uL) and glycerol-free formulation allowing easy lyophilization and drying down.
Suitable for two-step and one-step RT-PCR applications
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NxtScript Reverse Transcriptase, concentrate
mutant from Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
custom fill
- M-MLV RT mutant designed for reverse transcription at temperatures up to 60°C
- Concentrated RT for high flexibility in IVD kit production
- No RNase H activity for high cDNA yields
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
NxtScript RT, 85 U/µl
mutant from Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
80 µL
- M-MLV RT mutant designed for reverse transcription at temperatures up to 60°C
- Diluted enzyme, ready-to-use for RT-PCR with a DNA master mix
- No RNase H activity for high cDNA yields
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase, GMP Grade
from Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
200 kU
- Wild-type M-MLV RT for RT-PCR and cDNA synthesis
- Full RNase H activity
- GMP Grade quality to meet highest regulatory standards
Product detail page
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Transcriptor RT
recombinant, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
custom fill
Robust recombinant RT with thermostability up to +60°C
For transcription of RNA fragments up to 14 kb
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Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AMV Reverse Transcriptase, rec., concentrate
from Avian Myeloblastosis Virus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
20 kU or 200 kU
- Sensitive reverse transcription for long templates up to 12 kb
- High temperature RT-reaction from 42°C to 65°C
- Concentrated RT for high flexibility in IVD kit production
Product detail page
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EvoScript RNA Master, 5 ml
5x concentrated
Pack size
5 mL
- Highly specific, easy-to-use 5x RT-PCR master mix
- 1-vial composition ideal for easy reaction assembly with just the addition of oligos and target RNA
- Dual hot start for RT and DNA polymerase to ensure high specificity
Product detail page
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HawkZ05 Fast One-Step RT-PCR Master (available with or without ROX)
5x concentrated, 0.5% glycerol content
Pack size
with & without Rox:
5 or 50 mL MMx, plus Manganese acetate
- Single-enzyme qPCR master mix containing a DNA Polymerase mutant designed for very fast RT step
- Fast reversible aptamer-mediated hot start activation for RT and PCR reaction
- Very low glycerol content for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase, 200 U/µl
mutant from Thermus species Z05, recombinant in E.coli, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Very fast reverse transcription plus DNA polymerase activity
- Fast reversible aptamer-mediated hot start activation for RT and PCR reaction
- Very low glycerol content for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
HawkZ05 Fast One-Step RT-PCR Master (available with or without ROX)
2.3x concentrated
Pack size
2 x 5 mL MMx (no Rox);
1 x 5 mL MMx (Rox); plus Manganese acetate
- Single-enzyme master mix for qRT-PCR
- Fast reversible aptamer-mediated hot start activation for RT and PCR reaction
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
HawkZ05 Fast DNA Polymerase, 40 U/µl
mutant from Thermus species Z05, recombinant in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- DNA Polymerase mutant designed to perform a very fast RT step
- Fast reversible aptamer-mediated hot start activation for RT and PCR reaction
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
HawkZ05 DNA Polymerase, 40 U/μl
from Thermus species Z05, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
200 kU (40 U/μL)
- DNA polymerase with reverse transcription activity
- Fast reversible aptamer-mediated hot start activation for RT and PCR reaction
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
Tth DNA Polymerase
from Thermus species, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
Taq DNA Polymerase, GMP Grade, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
1 kU; 5 kU; 50 kU
- Taq DNA polymerase for consistent and cost efficient results in applications requiring no hot start
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats
- GMP Grade quality to meet highest regulatory standards
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
Taq DNA Polymerase, 50 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Taq DNA polymerase for consistent and cost efficient results in applications requiring no hot start
- Glycerol-free mix for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μL
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum sensitivity and specificity
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats
- Appropriate for endpoint PCR, qPCR or genotyping applications, and for use with cDNA, genomic DNA and plasmid DNA targets
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, GMP Grade, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
5 kU
- Hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum sensitivity and specificity
- GMP Grade quality to meet highest regulatory standards
- Appropriate for endpoint PCR, qPCR or genotyping applications, and for use with cDNA, genomic DNA and plasmid DNA targets
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase, 100 U/μL
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum sensitivity and specificity
- High conc. for simplified preparation of dried reaction mixtures
- Appropriate for endpoint PCR, qPCR or genotyping applications, and for use with cDNA, genomic DNA and plasmid DNA targets
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
FastStart PCR Master
2x concentrated
Pack size
5 mL
- Hot start DNA Master for PCR/qPCR at high sensitivity and specificity
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
EagleTaq DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μL
from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
1 kU; 25 kU
- The gold standard of hot start Taq DNA polymerases for maximum sensitivity and specificity
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
EagleTaq Master Mix
from Thermus aquaticus, recombinant in E.coli, solution
Pack size
50 mL (with and without Rox)
- Hot start DNA Master for fast cycling PCR/qPCR at high sensitivity and specificity
- Good stability for handling and automation
- Contains EagleTaq DNA Pol., the first hot start Taq available on the market
Product detail page
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Expand Long Template PCR System
Pack size
custom fill
- Proofreading mix for high fidelity amplification of long targets
- Enzyme blend of Taq and Tgo DNA Polymerase for accurate amplification of genomic DNA targets up to 20 kb using PCR
- Tgo is a highly processive 5'-3' DNA pol. with a double-strand-specific 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading activity)
Product detail page
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Expand High Fidelity PCR System
Pack size
custom fill
- Proofreading mix for high fidelity amplification up to 5 kb
- Enzyme blend of Taq and Tgo DNA Polymerase for accurate amplification of genomic DNA targets up to 5 kb using PCR
- Tgo is a highly processive 5'-3' DNA pol. with a double-strand-specific 3'-5' exonuclease (proofreading activity)
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
FastStart High Fidelity PCR System
Pack size
custom fill
- Hot start proofreading mix for high fidelity amplification up to 5 kb
- Blend of FastStart Taq DNA Pol. and a chemically modified thermostable proofreading protein, both inactive below +75°C
- Fast activation by heating to +95°C for two minutes
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
Currently not available. If of interest, please contact CustomBiotech representative.
AptaTaq Δexo DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- 5'-3' Exonuclease deficient reversible hot start Taq DNA Pol. for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats
- For detection of mismatches using allele-specific PCR, SNP analysis, genotyping, and arbitrarily primed PCR
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq Δexo DNA Polymerase, 50 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
- 5'-3' Exonuclease deficient reversible hot start Taq DNA Pol. for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Glycerol-free mix for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
- For detection of mismatches using allele-specific PCR, SNP analysis, genotyping, and arbitrarily primed PCR
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
ActiTaq Δexo DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
ActiTaq delta exo Genotyping Master
5x concentrated
Pack size
50 mL
- 5'-3' Exonuclease deficient hot start master for maximum sensitivity and specificity in genotyping applications
- Ready-to-use 2x master mix with truncated Taq, chemically modified for hot start
- Optimal for the detection of mismatches in allele-specific or arbitrarily primed PCR, SNP analysis and genotyping
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq DNA Polymerase, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Reversible hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Ideal for fast cycling and routine amplification of low-copy targets with primer/probes having a Tm above +55°C
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq DNA Polymerase LDx, 5 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Reversible hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Glycerol-free mix for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures, tested for absence of contaminating DNA
- Ideal for fast cycling and routine amplification of low-copy targets with primer/probes having a Tm above +55°C
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq DNA Polymerase, 50 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Reversible hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Glycerol-free mix for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
- Ideal for fast cycling and routine amplification of low-copy targets with primer/probes having a Tm above +55°C
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq DNA Polymerase LDx, 50 U/μl
from Thermus aquaticus BM, expressed in E.coli, glycerol-free solution
Pack size
custom fill
- Reversible hot start Taq DNA Polymerase for maximum stability combined with sensitivity and specificity
- Tested for absence of contaminating DNA
- Ideal for fast cycling and routine amplification of low-copy targets with primer/probes having a Tm above +55°C
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
AptaTaq Genotyping Master (Rox)
5x concentrated
Pack size
10 mL or custom fill, with and without Rox
- Reversible hot start DNA Master for maximum stability and fast activation
- Glycerol-free mix for direct preparation of dried reaction mixtures
- Mix with high on-board stability, designed for high-throughput genotyping on real-time and endpoint PCR instruments with primer/probes having a Tm above +55°C
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA2G DNA Polymerase
mutant from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
custom fill
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
KAPA2G Fast HotStart PCR Kit
mutant from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli, plus 5x reaction buffer
Pack size
2 x 2500 U
- Antibody-mediated hot start mutant of Taq (2nd generation), specifically designed for fast PCR
- Taq mutant engineered for higher processivity and speed, offering significantly faster extension rates than wild-type Taq
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats, supplied with specifically designed reaction buffer
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA2G Fast HotStart ReadyMix
2x concentrated
Pack size
2 x 6.25 mL
- Antibody-mediated hot start DNA master containing a 2nd generation Taq mutant, specifically designed for fast PCR
- Taq mutant engineered for higher processivity and speed, offering significantly faster extension rates than wild-type Taq
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA2G Robust HotStart PCR Kit
mutant from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli, plus 5x reaction buffer
Pack size
2 x 2500 U
- Antibody-mediated hot start mutant of Taq (2nd generation) with with improved inhibitor resistance
- Designed to solve inconsistent amplification across a broad range of amplicon types (GC- and AT-rich)
- Standard dilution for liquid assay formats, supplied with specifically designed reaction buffer
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA2G Robust HotStart ReadyMix
2x concentrated
Pack size
2 x 6.25 mL
- Antibody-mediated hot start DNA master containing a 2nd generation Taq mutant with improved inhibitor resistance
- Designed to solve inconsistent amplification across a broad range of amplicon types (GC- and AT-rich)
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA3G HotStart DNA Polymerase, Glycerol-free, 30 U/µL
mutant from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli
Pack size
custom fill
3rd generation Taq mutant specifically designed for fast and highly inhibitor-resistant PCR
Glycerol-free and concentrated at 30 U/µl for preparation of dried amplification mixes
Antibody-mediated hot start function Product detail page
Product detail page
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
KAPA3G HotStart Master
10x concentrated
Pack size
custom fill
Antibody-mediated hot start DNA master
containing a 3rd generation Taq mutant
specifically designed for fast and highly
inhibitor-resistant PCR
Glycerol-free and 10x concentrated for preparation of dried amplification mixes
Product detail page
For more information please contact your CustomBiotech representative.
2x concentrated
Pack size
2 x 5 mL; 1 x 50 mL
- Antibody-mediated hot start DNA master containing a 3rd generation, PCR inhibitor-resistant Taq mutant
- Crude samples can now be analyzed with comparable accuracy, reproducibility, and sensitivity as with purified DNA
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
KAPA3G Plant PCR Kit
mutant from Thermus aquaticus, expressed in E.coli, plus 5x reaction buffer with dNTPs
Pack size
1000 reactions
- Antibody-mediated hot start 3rd generation mutant of Taq, specifically designed for high inhibitor tolerance and signal strength
- Process crude samples from plant or any other sample type for for fast time-to-result
- Improved fidelity over standard Taq
Product detail page
Please contact your regional CustomBiotech representatives.
The river Isar originates in the Alps (Karwendel range) and before merging with the Danube near Deggendorf, passes through Munich.
The riverbanks play an important role in the city's life for recreation.
This map is not intended to help you navigate through Munich, though.
Munich is located 50 km north of Penzberg, where most of CustomBiotech's products are produced.